The Age of Aquarius
What Crystals should we use to mark ‘The Age of Aquarius and The Great Aquarius Stellium 2021’?
On Thursday, 11 February 2021 a very rare and unique phenomenon will occur.
There will be seven celestial bodies simultaneously coming together in Aquarius marking what is believed to be the beginning of the Age of Aquarius.
Known as ‘The Great Aquarius Stellium’. What a configuration.
· Moon,
· Mercury,
· Venus,
· Jupiter,
· Saturn
· Pallas - an asteroid
Magically having the seven celestial bodies all in the sign simultaneously will mean this is a powerful time to energise and work with some crystals.
So which crystals or gemstones should we choose?
Yellow tumbles with hues of black are a good tumble stone to use as they combine the energy of the planets and reflect both the brightness of the Sun and the dark effects of the Moon having a yin: yang balance.
Bumble Bee Jasper fits this description perfectly so would be a good stone to use together with say a Tiger Iron tumble and a small piece of Yellow Fluorite or tumble. .
The Age of Aquarius is to be a time of peace and for us to grow and mature spiritually. It’s also the time to appreciate the gift of the Universe to mankind and the hope of peace and love to guide our future. The energy of Air is ascendant to the Zodiac sign of Aquarius which brings us the breath of life to the Cosmos.
Stelliums can indicate the end of big cycles and the start of new.
So set a note in your diary that on the night of 11 February 2021 to take your chosen cleansed crystals in a small dish and place either outside or on a windowsill where the moonlight can shine on them.
You can choose to hold them in your hands palm up to the sky and ask for a Blessing…
“I seek the love of the Universe to bless these crystals.”
Concentrate the powerful Air energy of Life from the Stellium of Aquarius within their matrix as you ask and then thank with gratitude.
Love & Light
Lesley x
Published article for Lengro