Full Moon in Aquarius - 23-24th July 2021
We do have two Aquarius Full Moons to experience this year as another will be next month on 22 August 2021.
Having two Full Aquarian Moons that are back-to-back means that they will work in harmony with one another.
The water bearer has the gift of being able to collect water, which signifies the
emotions of the world, in its vessel and transmute them using the power of air.
The water bearer is then able to pour them back down to the world, bringing a
shift in consciousness.
If you work with crystals, energy healing, reiki, channelling, vibrational medicines, and alternative therapies you are more than likely to bring enhanced benefits under this Full Moon.
The July Full Moon will offer spiritual healing support and there will also be a strong energy present due to the location of Pluto that is transformative and very active.
Pluto represents the process of change, death and rebirth and as Full Moons also bring endings and completion it will mean the ‘Death’ phase of Pluto’s energy will be more prevalent at this time.
As change is in the air under this Full Moon, we will be called to shift direction from an area of our life that is no longer working for us. Suggest write a list and set your intentions of all that you wish to release .
‘I release fear, I release pain, I release doubt
I am free I am empowered, I am magnificent
I trust my Soul’s plan.’