OK… so what are Crystals all about you might ask?
What comes to mind? Sparkling gemstones and semi -precious stones and even rocks.
Every one so unique and we get drawn to them like a magnet.
Crystals do underpin our planet as they are Earth’s bones. They all carry our planet’s subtle energy in much the same way that nerves and blood vessels carry electrochemical messages around the physical body. If you wear jewellery or a watch you are already bathed in crystal generated energy. Computers would not function were it not for the properties of Quartz.
Crystals have the unique ability to absorb and transmute negativity into positivity and it is through handling them that we really connect to their power and magic. They can increase your energy, enhance your wellbeing and help keep you calm in a crisis. They can change the way you think, ensure your space is safe and also offer you guidance and much more.
They have been used for an extremely long time and were universally regarded as sacred in the ancient world and were an integral part of religious, medicinal, protective and divinatory practices.
Crystals can act as a channel for healing which can help positive and healing energy flow into the body, causing negative energy to be drawn out. They are known to have been used for prevention of disease and curing of illnesses by placing crystals around your body to start the healing process.
To start using crystals just pick up a crystal … say a Quartz and hold it lightly in your left hand for a minute or two - do you feel a tingling or vibration or a pulsing in your hand? (if you feel nothing, try changing hands). We recommend when you are drawn to a particular crystal, it could be because of its colour, shape or size and sometimes the crystal will just find you, you cleanse it with White Sage incense and then charge it on your windowsill under the moonlight. In the morning, set your intentions for your new beautiful crystal to work with you. Remember that if you don’t ask your crystals to work with you, they will be unsure of their role in your life. The more you work with your crystals the more your energies will mesh so talk and handle them every day. Suggest meditating with them is one of the nicest ways to work daily with your crystals. Some people carry their crystal with them in their bag, purse or pocket throughout the day and some ladies like to place a piece of Rose Quartz or Jade close to their heart so they put a piece in their bra too. It’s a very personal choice. There is no wrong way.
Here is a list of some of our favourites and most popular crystals to have and would rate them as our Top 10 to work with.
1. Quartz Crystal
This is your ‘Master Healer’ - One of the most energetic crystals on the planet. A crystal which has a pure and powerful energy source. This Crystal can make you feel more aware, as well as stimulate your brain and make you feel more alert and active. Great to use if you are feeling tired both mentally and physically. Assists concentration. Physically, clear crystals are claimed to help stimulate the immune system and balance out your entire body.
Great for all zodiac signs.
2. Amethyst
Amethyst is a highly protective crystal as it acts as a natural tranquilizer, balancing emotional highs and lows. Also said to be good for helping people connect to their spirituality as well as improve psychic ability. It can relieve stress and strain, soothes irritability, balances mood swings, dispels anger, rage, fear and anxiety. Alleviates sadness and grief, and dissolves negativity. Amethyst activates spiritual awareness, opens intuition and enhances psychic abilities. A great all rounder and a crystal linked to the Third Eye Chakra & Crown Chakras. It is the birthstone for February and good for people with the following zodiac signs: Pisces, Virgo, Aquarius, and Capricorn.
3. Rose Quartz
Everyone should have a piece of this lovely crystal known as the ‘Love Crystal’. This stone is commonly used for attracting and keeping love as well as protecting relationships. Can assist in helping to heal your heart from disappointment and pain. The soothing energy of Rose Quartz fosters empathy, reconciliation, and forgiveness of others. It can lower stress and tension in the heart and clears out anger, jealousy, and resentment of others .
Zodiac signs: Libra and Taurus. Chakra: Heart
4. Jade
One of the ancient stones of prosperity and protection. Jade carries a sweet, light and nourishing energy that can feel very healing. It has a soothing purity about it. It is useful in treating stress, anxiety and disorders of blood circulation. It is a stone of love and power. A great crystal to use when you are feeling stressed to keep you calm. A superstar in the world of crystal healing thanks to its powerful connection to the heart chakra.
It is associated with the heart Chakra and the sign of Taurus.
5. Fluorite
This gemstone absorbs and neutralises negative energy and stress and is an excellent learning aid as it can increase your power of concentration. Assists in self-confidence and helps in decision making. It will encourage positivity and balance your energies and removes illusion and reveals truth. Traditionally used to strengthen bones and teeth.
Linked with the Heart, Third Eye and Crown Chakras. Zodiac: Aquarius
6. Hematite
This is one of the most useful crystals for grounding and balancing in your life. It is the perfect stone to have if you are under stress and need to feel calm and centred. It can harmonize the body, mind and spirit by balancing the meridians. Will clear away any negative feelings from stress or anxiety. Hematite Crystal can be especially great for people with the following zodiac signs: Aries and Aquarius. Chakra: Root.
7. Smoky Quartz
This beautiful crystal will help you relax, reconnect, and regain your composure. It is a grounding crystal which will promote security and stability in your life. Allows you to feel more comfortable in your body and in manifesting your dreams. Promotes positive thoughts. A great crystal to work with especially for people who constantly find themselves with a wandering mind and with inability to focus.
Root Chakra and Solar Plexus Chakras. Birthstone for Scorpios.
8. Black Tourmaline
Helps protects against EMF (electro-magnetic field)
Your talisman of protection against psychic attack as it will dispel and deflect any negative energies, entities, or destructive forces. A powerful grounding crystal.
You can wear it as a piece of jewellery, put it in your pocket, or place it by your work computer to utilise its protective powers. Some like to place it in the corners of each room.
Zodiac: Libra Chakra: Root
9. Citrine
This lovely gem of a crystal is often used because of its warm optimistic energy. Known as the stone of ‘Abundance’. It will act as a powerful cleanser and enhance self-esteem and confidence. Promotes joy. Magnifies wealth and creativity. It will also help fend off any negative energy that comes your way. This crystal is also used to treat bladder diseases and imbalances in the thyroid gland.
Associated with Solar Plexus Chakra. Zodiac: Gemini, Aries, Libra, and Leo.
10. Blue Lace Agate
This beautiful blue gemstone is a rock star for soothing an overactive mind and calming nerves. Great crystal to work with for relaxation and a stone for physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual communication.
Associated with the Throat Chakra & can work with Third Eye Chakra
Zodiac: Gemini and Pisces
published article by WotiLove for the Lengro magazine at www.clairepetulengro.tv