Cleansing your Home and your Crystals
Full Moon 26th April 2021
This Full Moon will be the biggest and brightest of the year, and will be the first Supermoon since last May and will be the first of the only two supermoons in 2021.
It will rise on the night of Monday, 26 April and is traditionally known as the ‘Pink Moon’ although it will probably not be seen as pink. Named Pink as it coincides with Springtime blooms in the northern hemisphere.
Do you prepare yourself for the Full Moon?
After a good cleanse and de-clutter my house always feels so much lighter and it makes me feel much happier too. A good time to do this is around the lunar cycle. We don’t realise that sometimes we let in negative energy into our homes and this can have an adverse effect on us and our family. Think about working with different cleansing routines to lighten and bring in that positive energy.
Cleanse your space
Find a couple of hours to just declutter as much as possible. Open your windows and let some fresh air in and put some fresh bed linen on your beds. Spritz with a lovely Aura spray with essential oils after wiping down surfaces. Burn some white sage or incense and cleanse your crystals. The light of the full moon is the best time to re-charge your crystals and there are many other ways you could also try out (see below). The light of the full moon is strong for around 3 days so you could leave your crystals out for longer if you feel called to do so after cleansing them.
Sunlight - Place your crystals in the light of the sun to cleanse them. We don’t suggest using this method for Amethyst as it will more than likely fade your crystal . Also be sure that the sun’s rays are not focused in such a way it would start a fire.
Moonlight - Place your crystals in the moonlight to cleanse them. A Full Moon is the best time to cleanse your crystals and it has the added impact of charging them too.
Salt & Water - Wash your crystals in salt water and if you are lucky enough to be near the sea or ocean even better still. Place your crystals in a net bag to do this. Salt purifies and absorbs negative energy but only cleanse crystals that are not porous as some can and will disintegrate when wet. Definitely not suitable for amber, turquoise, opal and moonstone and also any crystals ending in ‘ite’ like calcite and kyanite.
Smudging & Incense - I like to use White Sage as it is a sacred plant with healing properties. Suggest you should be near an open window when doing this as it will allow the smoke and any negative energy to disperse. Pass your crystals through the smoke for at least 20-30 seconds or longer if it has been some time since your last cleanse or if you feel the stone is holding onto a lot. Best method for cleanse I believe as it is very simple and quick to do and safe for all crystals.
Candlelight - Crystals that resonate with the energies of fire are perfect to use this method . Just place your crystals beside a lit candle or you can carefully hold the crystal over the candle so it can catch the warmth and light of the flickering flame.
Visualisation - The more in tune you are with your inner self, the easier it may be to use this method and direct your energy to the stone you want to restore. After grounding yourself for a couple of minutes you can begin. With the crystal in front of you visualise your hands filling with white radiant light and see this light surround the crystal. Visualise it getting brighter as you hold it and all impurities being flushed away . Continue until you feel a shift in the crystal’s energy as it shines brighter with a fresh renewed purpose. Allow at least a minute or so per crystal for this method.
Sound - Use a singing bowl around your crystals to cleanse away any negative energy. You can also use a tuning fork. Crystals love the sound of vibrational energy.
Earth - You can even return your crystals to the ground by placing them in some earth in a pot as being close to their original source helps to cleanse and renew their energies.
Cleansing Aura Spray - There are many cleansing sprays on the market now that can be used to cleanse your crystals. You can use an atomiser with water and essential oils too.
Crystals - Certain crystals can cleanse other crystals like Selenite and keeping your crystals in a little bag with a piece of Carnelian too will work. Lay your crystals on a piece of selenite or in a selenite bowl for at least 6 hrs. Clear Quartz clusters are also good to use as this method will also amplify the energy of your gemstones as they do have the ability to absorb and neutralise and recharge crystals with higher vibrations.
Do a Full Moon Smudging Ceremony
Take time out and prepare yourself
- Turn off your smartphone, and take 5 long breaths.
- Breath in silence.
- Light a candle.
- Write down what's troubling you. .
- Visualise your goal.
- Speak your intention for forgiveness aloud to the Full Moon.
Count your Blessings
The Full Moon is a time when emotions can come to the surface. It’s OK to let go of any unresolved feelings by thinking about who and what you are grateful for. Just fill yourself up with gratitude by making a list of everything that comes to mind. Then re-read your list. If you find it difficult to find something that you’re grateful for, just focus on one thing that you may take for granted. Then, explore that from all angles. You’ll be surprised how much happiness that just by writing down what you are grateful for will bring you.
Take a moonbeam bath
If you are fortunate to be able to get outside and bathe under the moonlight in either the ocean or fresh water, this is a wonderful way to connect yourself with nature and the energy of the full moon. If not run yourself a nice hot Himalayan Salt bath and surround yourself with some lit candles and crystals. You could also use Epsom or Magnesium Bath Salts for your muscles. Burn some Palo Santo or event drop some essential oils into the hot running water.
Full Moon Day wishes to you All, Namaste x